Accelerator Meetings
Here at JWC we strive to ensure that all our members achieve their desired goals; that they are all supported when they come across barriers in their fitness; and that all participants, most importantly, enjoy their JWC experience.
Our coaches here at JWC are fully aware of all the struggles in life you may come across and all the barriers, and how frustrating it becomes when they prevent you from hitting your goals and keeping to a structured fitness routine. That is why as coach's one of our most important roles is to ensure we support you effectively when you begin to struggle.
We created a member support tool here at JWC called an ‘Accelerator Meeting’. This meeting is included within your membership and can be utilised as often as you feel necessary.
When should I book an accelerator meeting?
Ask yourself, are you struggling with motivation? Are you finding it hard to develop an effective gym routine? Are you suffering from an injury that you can’t seem to make better? If you ever answer yes to any of these questions, then an accelerator meeting will be very useful for you. It is your chance to tap into a JWC coach's’ knowledge on a one-to-one basis and find out information that will support you within your fitness journey. Whether this is, nutritional guidance, stretches to help improve an injury or deciding a new pathway to follow within fitness to ensure you benefit the most of it.
Does this mean I’m failing if I need support?
NO. NO. And NO. This means that you’ve come across a barrier and that you are positively acting on it. You could let the barrier keeping getting in your way of improving or you can take some support and begin to knock it down. The reason we see people fail is because of a lack of knowledge and support which is why here at JWC we give you the knowledge, along with all the support you need.
How Do I book in an accelerator meeting?
You can book in this meeting via the JWC app. Find a slot within the schedule and book in your accelerator meeting. Alternatively, you can contact the club directly and we can arrange the meeting for you. Once your first meeting is complete, if your coach believes you need a follow up this will be arranged within the meeting.

JWC are here to follow you and guide you through your fitness journey, step by step, safely and effectively.