Healthy family = Happy home.

As summer is getting closer, so are the 6 weeks holidays for your children. A tough time for parents as we try our best to keep the family entertained and active! With technology seemingly being the most exciting thing in most children’s lives at the minute, parents have the challenge of trying to coax children into the great outdoors with their friends, or to join a sports club, rather than sitting on their computer games or watching endless movies.
Fun is, of course, the most essential component when it comes to keeping children active. Much like for us ‘grown ups’ exercise must be enjoyable!
These activities don’t have to cost a thing. It can be something simple such as sports or games in the park, a long bike ride with a healthy picnic or a walk through the forest for a spot of bear hunting!
Children most definitely take note of everything you do in your day to day routine; what you say, what you eat, what you drink and most importantly in this case, how much you move… you are your children’s role model.
Now flip this, how do you as parents benefit from all the above?
Just because the activities you are doing together may not be strenuous to you, it doesn’t mean they aren’t improving your health and well-being. By increasing your body’s day to day movement, you will begin to burn a lot more calories than simply sitting and watching a film, whilst endlessly snacking. It becomes a positive circle; if your children are active you become more active, if you are more active your children will thrive and want to copy and become more active too.
And let’s not forget, the health and well-being improvements you will all receive as a family from being more active and healthier.
Happier home, due to endorphin hormone increase
More energy
Improved sleep quality – easier bedtime routines
Improved mental mindset
Concentration levels increase – education can benefit
Less chance of long term ill-health eg. diabetes and heart disease
Stronger immune systems
Stronger family bond
Healthy family = Happy home. Why not kick off an active Summer with JWC's Family Scavenger Hunt...
18th May 2019 from 10:30 am... JWC Health & Fitness Family Scavenger Hunt - Raising Money for: The Remembering Nell Foundation Solve riddles and figure out clues to forge a path to victory... Can your family make it back to JWC HQ before anyone else? JWC Members and the wider community alike will likely have enjoyed one of our previous Summer Fairs... This year we've decided to do things a little differently... While there will be attractions for the family at JWC, including; BBQ, Bouncy Castle, Crafts and Games... We'll be kicking proceedings off with a family scavenger hunt starting at JWC and taking you as a family/team through the village by solving child friendly riddles and ending back at JWC where the BBQ will be lit awaiting your return! Here's a chance to get the family active whilst bringing out your competitive streak! Click the link below to book your family ticket: