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Does your fitness follow the same pattern as your Christmas prep?!

Christmas is around the corner!

Are you one of those people who’s already bought and wrapped all your presents, organised the decorations, replaced all the broken bulbs from the outside lights and ordered your Christmas dinner food shop?

Or are you at the opposite end?

Keep putting everything off?

‘It’s ages away yet’, ‘I’ve got loads of time’, ‘I’ll start next weekend’?!

These are just a few of the things we tell ourselves, so we don’t have to get started with the present buying!

Some of us usually keep this up until Christmas is a week away and then we check our schedules for the next week and realise that between work, family plans and Christmas do’s, we have roughly 7 minutes spare before the big day!


We run around like crazy for the next week, grabbing presents when and where we can, wrapping late into the night and generally getting all stressed out rather than enjoying the special time of year!

Silly, isn’t it?!

All we need to do is to start buying presents as we go along throughout the year and come Christmas, we’d be the most chilled out person in the world!

It really is that simple and even if we still have a couple of loose ends to tie up, it’s still considerably better than having to do the whole lot in one big, stress filled rush!

Now change the presents to your own fitness…

It’s the same when a lot of people want to get in shape for their holidays or work do’s or weddings or whatever the occasion.

Are you one of those people that leaves it right to the last minute and then stresses about it rather than enjoying the event itself?

The answer?

The same as the Christmas present problem!

Just start a little earlier!

Fitness should become a lifestyle choice not a 6-week quick fix choice.

So, breathe, take steady steps, continue your fitness journey, keep improving, keep doing your best, and you’ll always be Christmas body ready that way.

Starting to think about the 'New Year, New You?? Maybe waiting until spring for the 'Beach Body Blitz'?!

The same principle applies, don't wait, start today!

Need a motivation boost?

Put the steps in place to get you to where you want to be.

Then follow the steps!

I’ll repeat that…

Put the steps in place to get you to where you want to be.

Then follow the steps!

But if you don’t have the steps to follow don’t worry that’s where we come in…

Book yourself in to see one of the JWC coaches today to have a goal-setting meeting and get yourself ‘life ready’ rather than event ready.

Because what better gift could you give your family that the gift of health?

Do you have a friend or family member who you think would benefit from a nudge in the right direction?

Why not purchase a JWC gift voucher and help them to find their first step?!


Phone - 01477 412 770  -   WhatsApp - 07379 047268

Unit 9C Holmes Chapel Business Park, Manor Lane
Holmes Chapel, Cheshire, CW4 8AF

Company Registration Number - 09689345

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