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Resilience Through Crisis
Showing resilience isn’t pushing through to breaking point, it is making choices in a moment that support your well-being in order to...

Mental Health Awareness & Fundraising
Today is mental health awareness day. To be clear, mental health deserves it's day in the spotlight, but at JWC every day is mental...

Male breast Reduction…
It’s taken me three years to talk openly about this, but if this post can help just one man who’s in the position that I was three years...

Split Training
What is meant by the term ‘Split Training’ and why do we do it? The ‘Split training System’ is very simply, the principle of splitting...

Make February the New January
The diet starts on MONDAY… No, the diet starts in JANUARY… No, the diet starts… Shh! Stop! The ‘diet’ doesn’t start on any specific day...

Discipline - The Controversial Topic
I’ve talked about this before, and it always splits opinions. For some, the word discipline feels harsh whereas for others it feels to...

On a mission to rid the fitness industry of stereotypes once and for all!
In this article, I’d like to clear two common myths; 1) Group exercise isn’t just for women 2) Strength training isn’t just for men So...

Do you know what you're made of?
When it comes to health and weight management, it's important to know your starting point and to be able to accurately keep track of your...

Nutrition & Exercise - What’s the split?
We’ve all heard the saying “Abs are made in the kitchen” and other similar clichés. Well, as a gym owner, I can tell you that that is in...

Assets 'vs' Liabilities
Often, I find myself comparing fitness principles to finance. For example, viewing energy balance (how many calories you consume vs how...
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